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I'm in love

Assalamualaikum Hi everybody this is my second blogger. My first account not have access to view that page. Lets start so my first entry is about happiness.

Muhammad Anis bin Ghazali,
I'm in love with him LOL  since 18 december 2012 2am Tuesday. Pas pas number then kita start whatsapp pastu on the phone. Now baru 4 hari in love with him and I hope our relationship happy lasting together. I just what us to happen last night phone calls, nicknames, teasing and taking care of each other, random text message, celebrating anniversaries, meeting each other family and friends, making fun of each other, hanging out just us. Please dont you dare to leave me, Allah know how much I love you. 

Saya harap kita dapat pertahankan hubungan kita dan kalau kita ada masalah biarlah kita slowtalk baik baik. Walau apa pun terjadi kita cuba sedaya upaya untuk terus kekal bersama. Saya sayang awak satu sampai habis ^_^